Which ALIEN movie was the best? - Freakin' Awesome Forums
(too old to reply)
2011-12-22 07:45:56 UTC

« Thread Started on Dec 19, 2011, 2:50pm »
I am a big fan of the Alien franchise. The thing I love is how
incredibly unique and original the whole theme was at the time the
first movie was released. The alien itself looked like nothing I had
ever seen before, and the whole process with the face-huggers, chest
burters, and full grown monster hit on all the right levels to make it
frightening. I'm also a fan of Sigourney Weaver, and consider Ripley
to be her best character. I hope I'm not alone, and am curios to see
which movie everyone here favors. Personally, I think the second
movie, Aliens, was probably the best of the series. Even though the
first established it, the second one developed the story the most-you
learned that the aliens operate like a hive, and you saw the queen for
the first time. Ripley also developed the most in that particular
film, turning into the badass heroine we all know her as now. But I
also have a soft spot for Alien Resurrection, because I think it just
had a terrific cast and I loved the whole Newborn sub-plot. Anyone got
anything else to add?

« Reply #1 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:10pm »
The first one.

« Reply #2 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:18pm »
The first one, easily. It had incredible tension and build throughout,
creating a perfect atmosphere. They knew exactly how much to show you
of the alien to make that final reveal even scarier. It is, in my
mind, the perfect horror film.

The second one just turned the franchise it into a more generic action
series. They did get a lot right, sure, but it didn't have near the
level of tension because it was the same thing we'd seen before, just
set in the Alien universe.

The third one had promise and got back to the initial roots. I liked
it better than the second, but even though I didn't like the direction
2 took, I disliked how they killed off everyone off-screen before the
movie began even more.

Beyond that, it just went downhill.

« Reply #3 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:01pm »
I wrote my reply to this yesterday only for that f***ing ProBoards
update s*** to appear when i tried to post it. Grrrrrrr that stupid
bitch needs a facehugger on her! See if i can remember what i wrote...

I like Aliens best. Great characters, great action, more xenos and we
get to see a queen. Amazing tension as well with the motion trackers,
with every blip you were anticipating with dread hordes of the deadly
creatures approaching for the kill.

The original is a close second. Great atmosphere, classic scenes such
as the chestbursting sequence, amazing sets; the Space Jockey in the
derelict spacecraft is one of the most awe-inspiring and intriguing
visuals ever on film (looking forward to Prometheus to finally
discover all about this strange being) and of course the introduction
of the iconic, grotesque yet strangely hideously beautiful Alien

Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien and i
didn't like how Hicks and Newt were killed off straight away although
i guess that set the tone for what actually makes it a pretty cool
film: the utter bleak hopelessness of it all; an isolated prison
planet with no chance of escape and Ripley's impending and unavoidable
doom. No happy endings here, very dark.

Resurrection had some interesting scenes and ideas, i liked the lab
with the failed Ripley clones and the human/alien hybrid was ok
although i know Giger hated it and dismissed it as looking like a turd
lol. But i dunno overall this installment just felt kinda flat to me.

AvPs were pretty much garbage. I liked some stuff about the first one,
the stuff with the ancient pyramids and human sacrifice xeno breeding
by the Predators and the one on one xeno/Predator fight scene was cool
but overall it just wasn't engaging.
And Requiem had no character builds so i didn't care when people just
started getting slaughtered left and right and the gimmicky
'PredAlien' (surely 'Alienator' would've been cooler?) wasn't enough
to save it. Just not enough story and characterization, also s***ty
quick-cut editing ruined the fight scenes but the biggest issue was
the lighting or rather the complete lack of it.

« Reply #4 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:02pm »
Aliens by a mile. The first one is good, but there are points where it
just drags. The second one really doesn't slow down once it gets

Never mention Resurrection to me.

« Reply #5 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:08pm »
the one with the guns

« Reply #6 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:13pm »

Dec 20, 2011, 9:01pm, Death Star Egg!! wrote:
Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien

The only CGI in the film was the alien's head cracking near the end
and some extra shadows Amalgamated Dynamics added for the SE release.
The rest was a blue screened rod puppet.

Alien is my all time favourite movie. I dunno, I prefer Alien3 to
Aliens after how much Cameron dumbed everything down. Hell, Alien
Resurrection has more depth than Aliens.

« Reply #7 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:20pm via the ProBoards Mobile App »
Alien is the best one for me, but I love Resurrection purely for the

« Reply #8 on Dec 20, 2011, 11:37pm »
Alien by far. I actually hate Aliens more than any of the other ones.
Its a good action film I suppose but I fell in love with the tension
and horror of the first one. Adding more booms and baddies doesn't
really make something better to me.

« Reply #9 Yesterday at 10:46am »
They are all pretty good but I watch the first AVP the most so take
that for what you will.

And this will sound like blasphemy to some, but I find the original
overrated. Yes, it is good, yes it is a product of it's time, and yes
I appreciate the slow build, but the movie is just a little TOO slow.
They could have shaved about 15-20 minutes off of the movie, and it
would have had the same effect without being tiring at points.

« Reply #10 Yesterday at 11:07am »
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.

Everything else on that list can go to hell.

« Reply #11 Yesterday at 2:30pm »
Aliens for me. It features my all-time favorite action movie one-

"Get away from her, you bitch!"

« Reply #12 Yesterday at 2:55pm »
The first one. I used to like Aliens more, but once I grew up, I
changed my mind.

« Reply #13 Yesterday at 7:48pm »

Yesterday at 11:07am, Arrow wrote:
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.

Everything else on that list can go to hell.


Aliens is in my top three favourite movies, it's just an action
masterpiece. Alien is also pretty good, but a very different film as
you said.

I like to pretend the rest don't exist. I'm a big fan of Predator 1
and 2 as well as the Aliens vs Predator comics, but the AVP films are
complete garbage. Predators sucked as well.

« Reply #15 Today at 12:44am »
A tough question, I loved both Alien and Aliens equally but for
different reasons. Now number four & three on the other hand......
2011-12-22 08:57:56 UTC
In article
TMC <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Alien Resurrection ROCKS!! Best movie os ALL TIME!!!
Vidar Olavesen
2011-12-22 11:43:27 UTC
For me, Ridley Scott's Alien is the most intense and has the best
atmosphere. Aliens was excellent too, but more a shooter and not so
suspenseful for me. Alien 3 was darker and first time I saw it, didn't like
it as much as the others, but after seeing it again, it grew very on me and
now I think it's almost as good as the two first ones.

Looking forward to Ridleys next :-)

"TMC" <***@gmail.com> skrev i melding news:a1586786-9e45-47bb-bc9f-***@37g2000prc.googlegroups.com...

« Thread Started on Dec 19, 2011, 2:50pm »
I am a big fan of the Alien franchise. The thing I love is how
incredibly unique and original the whole theme was at the time the
first movie was released. The alien itself looked like nothing I had
ever seen before, and the whole process with the face-huggers, chest
burters, and full grown monster hit on all the right levels to make it
frightening. I'm also a fan of Sigourney Weaver, and consider Ripley
to be her best character. I hope I'm not alone, and am curios to see
which movie everyone here favors. Personally, I think the second
movie, Aliens, was probably the best of the series. Even though the
first established it, the second one developed the story the most-you
learned that the aliens operate like a hive, and you saw the queen for
the first time. Ripley also developed the most in that particular
film, turning into the badass heroine we all know her as now. But I
also have a soft spot for Alien Resurrection, because I think it just
had a terrific cast and I loved the whole Newborn sub-plot. Anyone got
anything else to add?

« Reply #1 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:10pm »
The first one.

« Reply #2 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:18pm »
The first one, easily. It had incredible tension and build throughout,
creating a perfect atmosphere. They knew exactly how much to show you
of the alien to make that final reveal even scarier. It is, in my
mind, the perfect horror film.

The second one just turned the franchise it into a more generic action
series. They did get a lot right, sure, but it didn't have near the
level of tension because it was the same thing we'd seen before, just
set in the Alien universe.

The third one had promise and got back to the initial roots. I liked
it better than the second, but even though I didn't like the direction
2 took, I disliked how they killed off everyone off-screen before the
movie began even more.

Beyond that, it just went downhill.

« Reply #3 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:01pm »
I wrote my reply to this yesterday only for that f***ing ProBoards
update s*** to appear when i tried to post it. Grrrrrrr that stupid
bitch needs a facehugger on her! See if i can remember what i wrote...

I like Aliens best. Great characters, great action, more xenos and we
get to see a queen. Amazing tension as well with the motion trackers,
with every blip you were anticipating with dread hordes of the deadly
creatures approaching for the kill.

The original is a close second. Great atmosphere, classic scenes such
as the chestbursting sequence, amazing sets; the Space Jockey in the
derelict spacecraft is one of the most awe-inspiring and intriguing
visuals ever on film (looking forward to Prometheus to finally
discover all about this strange being) and of course the introduction
of the iconic, grotesque yet strangely hideously beautiful Alien

Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien and i
didn't like how Hicks and Newt were killed off straight away although
i guess that set the tone for what actually makes it a pretty cool
film: the utter bleak hopelessness of it all; an isolated prison
planet with no chance of escape and Ripley's impending and unavoidable
doom. No happy endings here, very dark.

Resurrection had some interesting scenes and ideas, i liked the lab
with the failed Ripley clones and the human/alien hybrid was ok
although i know Giger hated it and dismissed it as looking like a turd
lol. But i dunno overall this installment just felt kinda flat to me.

AvPs were pretty much garbage. I liked some stuff about the first one,
the stuff with the ancient pyramids and human sacrifice xeno breeding
by the Predators and the one on one xeno/Predator fight scene was cool
but overall it just wasn't engaging.
And Requiem had no character builds so i didn't care when people just
started getting slaughtered left and right and the gimmicky
'PredAlien' (surely 'Alienator' would've been cooler?) wasn't enough
to save it. Just not enough story and characterization, also s***ty
quick-cut editing ruined the fight scenes but the biggest issue was
the lighting or rather the complete lack of it.

« Reply #4 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:02pm »
Aliens by a mile. The first one is good, but there are points where it
just drags. The second one really doesn't slow down once it gets

Never mention Resurrection to me.

« Reply #5 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:08pm »
the one with the guns

« Reply #6 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:13pm »

Dec 20, 2011, 9:01pm, Death Star Egg!! wrote:
Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien

The only CGI in the film was the alien's head cracking near the end
and some extra shadows Amalgamated Dynamics added for the SE release.
The rest was a blue screened rod puppet.

Alien is my all time favourite movie. I dunno, I prefer Alien3 to
Aliens after how much Cameron dumbed everything down. Hell, Alien
Resurrection has more depth than Aliens.

« Reply #7 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:20pm via the ProBoards Mobile App »
Alien is the best one for me, but I love Resurrection purely for the

« Reply #8 on Dec 20, 2011, 11:37pm »
Alien by far. I actually hate Aliens more than any of the other ones.
Its a good action film I suppose but I fell in love with the tension
and horror of the first one. Adding more booms and baddies doesn't
really make something better to me.

« Reply #9 Yesterday at 10:46am »
They are all pretty good but I watch the first AVP the most so take
that for what you will.

And this will sound like blasphemy to some, but I find the original
overrated. Yes, it is good, yes it is a product of it's time, and yes
I appreciate the slow build, but the movie is just a little TOO slow.
They could have shaved about 15-20 minutes off of the movie, and it
would have had the same effect without being tiring at points.

« Reply #10 Yesterday at 11:07am »
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.

Everything else on that list can go to hell.

« Reply #11 Yesterday at 2:30pm »
Aliens for me. It features my all-time favorite action movie one-

"Get away from her, you bitch!"

« Reply #12 Yesterday at 2:55pm »
The first one. I used to like Aliens more, but once I grew up, I
changed my mind.

« Reply #13 Yesterday at 7:48pm »

Yesterday at 11:07am, Arrow wrote:
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.

Everything else on that list can go to hell.


Aliens is in my top three favourite movies, it's just an action
masterpiece. Alien is also pretty good, but a very different film as
you said.

I like to pretend the rest don't exist. I'm a big fan of Predator 1
and 2 as well as the Aliens vs Predator comics, but the AVP films are
complete garbage. Predators sucked as well.

« Reply #15 Today at 12:44am »
A tough question, I loved both Alien and Aliens equally but for
different reasons. Now number four & three on the other hand......
2011-12-22 16:08:55 UTC
Post by Vidar Olavesen
For me, Ridley Scott's Alien is the most intense and has the best
atmosphere. Aliens was excellent too, but more a shooter and not so
suspenseful for me. Alien 3 was darker and first time I saw it, didn't like
it as much as the others, but after seeing it again, it grew very on me and
now I think it's almost as good as the two first ones.
Looking forward to Ridleys next :-)
« Thread Started on Dec 19, 2011, 2:50pm »
I am a big fan of the Alien franchise. The thing I love is how
incredibly unique and original the whole theme was at the time the
first movie was released. The alien itself looked like nothing I had
ever seen before, and the whole process with the face-huggers, chest
burters, and full grown monster hit on all the right levels to make it
frightening. I'm also a fan of Sigourney Weaver, and consider Ripley
to be her best character. I hope I'm not alone, and am curios to see
which movie everyone here favors. Personally, I think the second
movie, Aliens, was probably the best of the series. Even though the
first established it, the second one developed the story the most-you
learned that the aliens operate like a hive, and you saw the queen for
the first time. Ripley also developed the most in that particular
film, turning into the badass heroine we all know her as now. But I
also have a soft spot for Alien Resurrection, because I think it just
had a terrific cast and I loved the whole Newborn sub-plot. Anyone got
anything else to add?
« Reply #1 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:10pm »
The first one.
« Reply #2 on Dec 19, 2011, 3:18pm »
The first one, easily. It had incredible tension and build throughout,
creating a perfect atmosphere. They knew exactly how much to show you
of the alien to make that final reveal even scarier. It is, in my
mind, the perfect horror film.
The second one just turned the franchise it into a more generic action
series. They did get a lot right, sure, but it didn't have near the
level of tension because it was the same thing we'd seen before, just
set in the Alien universe.
The third one had promise and got back to the initial roots. I liked
it better than the second, but even though I didn't like the direction
2 took, I disliked how they killed off everyone off-screen before the
movie began even more.
Beyond that, it just went downhill.
« Reply #3 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:01pm »
I wrote my reply to this yesterday only for that f***ing ProBoards
update s*** to appear when i tried to post it. Grrrrrrr that stupid
bitch needs a facehugger on her! See if i can remember what i wrote...
I like Aliens best. Great characters, great action, more xenos and we
get to see a queen. Amazing tension as well with the motion trackers,
with every blip you were anticipating with dread hordes of the deadly
creatures approaching for the kill.
The original is a close second. Great atmosphere, classic scenes such
as the chestbursting sequence, amazing sets; the Space Jockey in the
derelict spacecraft is one of the most awe-inspiring and intriguing
visuals ever on film (looking forward to Prometheus to finally
discover all about this strange being) and of course the introduction
of the iconic, grotesque yet strangely hideously beautiful Alien
Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien and i
didn't like how Hicks and Newt were killed off straight away although
i guess that set the tone for what actually makes it a pretty cool
film: the utter bleak hopelessness of it all; an isolated prison
planet with no chance of escape and Ripley's impending and unavoidable
doom. No happy endings here, very dark.
Resurrection had some interesting scenes and ideas, i liked the lab
with the failed Ripley clones and the human/alien hybrid was ok
although i know Giger hated it and dismissed it as looking like a turd
lol. But i dunno overall this installment just felt kinda flat to me.
AvPs were pretty much garbage. I liked some stuff about the first one,
the stuff with the ancient pyramids and human sacrifice xeno breeding
by the Predators and the one on one xeno/Predator fight scene was cool
but overall it just wasn't engaging.
And Requiem had no character builds so i didn't care when people just
started getting slaughtered left and right and the gimmicky
'PredAlien' (surely 'Alienator' would've been cooler?) wasn't enough
to save it. Just not enough story and characterization, also s***ty
quick-cut editing ruined the fight scenes but the biggest issue was
the lighting or rather the complete lack of it.
« Reply #4 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:02pm »
Aliens by a mile. The first one is good, but there are points where it
just drags. The second one really doesn't slow down once it gets
Never mention Resurrection to me.
« Reply #5 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:08pm »
the one with the guns
« Reply #6 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:13pm »
Significant dropoff with the third one, crappy looking CGI Alien
The only CGI in the film was the alien's head cracking near the end
and some extra shadows Amalgamated Dynamics added for the SE release.
The rest was a blue screened rod puppet.
Alien is my all time favourite movie. I dunno, I prefer Alien3 to
Aliens after how much Cameron dumbed everything down. Hell, Alien
Resurrection has more depth than Aliens.
« Reply #7 on Dec 20, 2011, 9:20pm via the ProBoards Mobile App »
Alien is the best one for me, but I love Resurrection purely for the
« Reply #8 on Dec 20, 2011, 11:37pm »
Alien by far. I actually hate Aliens more than any of the other ones.
Its a good action film I suppose but I fell in love with the tension
and horror of the first one. Adding more booms and baddies doesn't
really make something better to me.
« Reply #9 Yesterday at 10:46am »
They are all pretty good but I watch the first AVP the most so take
that for what you will.
And this will sound like blasphemy to some, but I find the original
overrated. Yes, it is good, yes it is a product of it's time, and yes
I appreciate the slow build, but the movie is just a little TOO slow.
They could have shaved about 15-20 minutes off of the movie, and it
would have had the same effect without being tiring at points.
« Reply #10 Yesterday at 11:07am »
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.
Everything else on that list can go to hell.
« Reply #11 Yesterday at 2:30pm »
Aliens for me. It features my all-time favorite action movie one-
"Get away from her, you bitch!"
« Reply #12 Yesterday at 2:55pm »
The first one. I used to like Aliens more, but once I grew up, I
changed my mind.
« Reply #13 Yesterday at 7:48pm »
Aliens is my all time favorite movie, but it can't really be compared
to the original. The first is a horror/sci-fi and the second is
primarily an action movie, so it all comes down to which genre you
prefer. I prefer the faster pace of the sequel, the expansion on
Ripley, and the characters Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. It's just more
fun to watch than the original.
Everything else on that list can go to hell.
Aliens is in my top three favourite movies, it's just an action
masterpiece. Alien is also pretty good, but a very different film as
you said.
I like to pretend the rest don't exist. I'm a big fan of Predator 1
and 2 as well as the Aliens vs Predator comics, but the AVP films are
complete garbage. Predators sucked as well.
« Reply #15 Today at 12:44am »
A tough question, I loved both Alien and Aliens equally but for
different reasons. Now number four & three on the other hand......
They're all pretty bad, but I found the second one the most
entertaining when I saw it in a theater. Bad films can be
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
2011-12-22 16:26:39 UTC
Post by Madara0806
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
Now that's an interesting can of worms, opened and tipped.
2011-12-22 16:58:16 UTC
Post by Madara0806
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
Now that's an interesting can of worms, opened and tipped.
cant speak for the other groups but theres plenty of us in ALT HORROR that
thrive on RUBBISH!
regards from bod.

"dont worry yoko, its only a friggin water pist...."

2011-12-22 18:53:59 UTC
Everyone in the world would disagree with me, but I like the fourth
movie the best. Though I think there needs to be another film of the
Aliens ob Earth. And Predator VS Aliens doesn't count. I enjoy them,
mind you, but they aren't Alien films.
2011-12-23 03:26:11 UTC
Post by bonestructure
Everyone in the world would disagree with me, but I like the fourth
movie the best.
I suspect even Jean-Pierre's mum would think you're mad on that one...
Post by bonestructure
Though I think there needs to be another film of the
Aliens ob Earth.
...but who doesn't agree with you there? Actually, how come we
haven't had a gritty reboot of Alien with Ryan Gosling as Dallas?
Plenty of dodgier franchises are getting dusted off.
2011-12-22 19:44:35 UTC
Post by William
Post by Madara0806
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
Now that's an interesting can of worms, opened and tipped.
...albeit a can long since opened at both ends. (The worms crawl in,
the worms crawl out...) But I'll stay tuned for anyone's pithy one-
sentence definition of 'good'... even if it's bad...


- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2011-12-22 21:20:29 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by William
Post by Madara0806
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
Now that's an interesting can of worms, opened and tipped.
...albeit a can long since opened at both ends. (The worms crawl in,
the worms crawl out...) But I'll stay tuned for anyone's pithy one-
sentence definition of 'good'... even if it's bad...
It must be good if they call their friends and their friends friends too.

And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch. The
first film, ALIEN, spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
2011-12-22 21:33:29 UTC
And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch.  The
first film, ALIEN,  spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
You mean like "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"?
2011-12-22 21:50:00 UTC
Post by William
Post by Obveeus
And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch.
first film, ALIEN, spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
You mean like "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"?
Setting aside this bait...

I was speaking more in terms of horror films like 'The Birds' where the
story creeps along for an extended period as a way of 'building suspense'.
It is a useful gimmick, certainly, just as having a long period of
stillness/quiet is useful before something jumps out and says 'boo'. I just
prefer my horror to have more action than ALIEN offered and ALIENS was the
2011-12-22 22:10:54 UTC
Post by Obveeus
Post by William
Post by Obveeus
And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch.
first film, ALIEN, spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
You mean like "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"?
Setting aside this bait...
I was speaking more in terms of horror films like 'The Birds' where the
story creeps along for an extended period as a way of 'building suspense'.
It is a useful gimmick, certainly, just as having a long period of
stillness/quiet is useful before something jumps out and says 'boo'. I just
prefer my horror to have more action than ALIEN offered and ALIENS was the
Eh, "Alien" was a horror movie. "Aliens" was more of a sci-fi action
film. I think both excelled at their respective goals.


2011-12-22 22:24:32 UTC
Post by Kishin
Post by Obveeus
Post by William
Post by Obveeus
And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch.
first film, ALIEN, spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
You mean like "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"?
Setting aside this bait...
I was speaking more in terms of horror films like 'The Birds' where the
story creeps along for an extended period as a way of 'building suspense'.
It is a useful gimmick, certainly, just as having a long period of
stillness/quiet is useful before something jumps out and says 'boo'.  I just
prefer my horror to have more action than ALIEN offered and ALIENS was the
Eh, "Alien" was a horror movie. "Aliens" was more of a sci-fi action
film. I think both excelled at their respective goals.
IAWTP, and would put them in distinct (sub-)genres (...as only that
can explain how ALIENS was that rarest of life-forms: a good sequel).


- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
Vidar Olavesen
2011-12-23 01:16:13 UTC
Eh, "Alien" was a horror movie. "Aliens" was more of a sci-fi action film.
I think both excelled at their respective goals.
Exactly what I feel too. Loved Aliens also, but it's not the same type of
Simon T
2011-12-22 22:24:50 UTC
Post by Obveeus
I was speaking more in terms of horror films like 'The Birds' where the
story creeps along for an extended period as a way of 'building suspense'.
It is a useful gimmick, certainly, just as having a long period of
stillness/quiet is useful before something jumps out and says 'boo'. I
just prefer my horror to have more action than ALIEN offered and ALIENS
was the answer.
I also think ALIENS was the best of the bunch, however you really have to
view them on their own merits as they are very different kinds of film.

What I liked about Aliens was that, instead of hanging about in the dark and
getting jumped from behind, which is the horror stereotype Alien fell into,
the cast of Aliens were actually making use of their weapons and hitting
these things back with everything they'd got. The only downside was that it
came across as being just another generic 80s action film, but viewed as a
horror movie it kicked ass!!!
Best Wishes
Simon (Dark Angel)
2011-12-22 23:03:03 UTC
Post by Obveeus
Post by moviePig
Post by William
Post by Madara0806
Just don't make the mistake of calling something "good" because you
found it entertaining.
Now that's an interesting can of worms, opened and tipped.
...albeit a can long since opened at both ends. (The worms crawl in,
the worms crawl out...) But I'll stay tuned for anyone's pithy one-
sentence definition of 'good'... even if it's bad...
It must be good if they call their friends and their friends friends too.
And for the record, the second film, ALIENS, is the best of the bunch. The
first film, ALIEN, spent too much time trying to establish itself as
cerebral by dragging its feet...which was sort of a throwback to an earlier
generation of horror films that almost always did that.
That's what made it great! Horror is not splatter, true horror is
buildup and what you don't see.
2011-12-22 23:00:56 UTC
I've rated them as:

Alien - 9

Alien Resurrection - 8
...Well guess I liked Sigourney being partly an alien. Pretty solid and
well paced film.

Aliens - 7
...pretty good, especially the fight at the end

Alien3 - 6
...well it's still Sigourney and Alien, but this one's just too dark and
the dog from that film you saw
2011-12-23 18:12:15 UTC
the alien films pair up nicely - you have 1 and 3 - the thoughful ones.
you have 2 and 4 - the gung ho action ones.

personally i enjoyed the lot.
That fly.... Is your magic wand.
2011-12-23 00:58:39 UTC
Alens - the second film just blows the competition away.
2011-12-26 09:32:53 UTC
ALIEN had to be seen in a theatre to get the full impact of it.
Remember when it was first released there had never been anything of it's
ilk before with such elaborate sets, FX etc etc...

Given that and a stellar cast at the best any of them had been (except maybe
John Hurt and Ian Holm, who are just excellent in everyting they do)... (and
an over-acting and over ad-libbing Yaphet Kotto)... it cannot be held
against the rest in the same vein.

3 & 4, well, lets not speak ill of the dead....

And Jimmy's Ants.... well... anyone who has even casually dipped into ACMA
over the last few years will know my take on that. (Entertaining though it

ALIEN was a FILM - Aliens was a movie...

(Oh, and nice to see Sandman dropping in with his usual charismatic style!!
Been a while, Bud!)
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands... Still.
2011-12-27 14:10:55 UTC
Post by Covenant
ALIEN had to be seen in a theatre to get the full impact of it.
Remember when it was first released there had never been anything of it's
ilk before with such elaborate sets, FX etc etc...
Except, of course, Star Wars - that premiered a full two years
earlier. Alien in all its glory didn't hold a candle to the F/X of
Star Wars
Post by Covenant
Given that and a stellar cast at the best any of them had been (except maybe
John Hurt and Ian Holm, who are just excellent in everyting they do)... (and
an over-acting and over ad-libbing Yaphet Kotto)... it cannot be held
against the rest in the same vein.
3 & 4, well, lets not speak ill of the dead....
And Jimmy's Ants.... well... anyone who has even casually dipped into ACMA
over the last few years will know my take on that. (Entertaining though it
ALIEN was a FILM - Aliens was a movie...
(Oh, and nice to see Sandman dropping in with his usual charismatic style!!
Been a while, Bud!)
I hate you too :-D
2011-12-29 09:07:23 UTC
Post by Sandman
Post by Covenant
ALIEN had to be seen in a theatre to get the full impact of it.
Remember when it was first released there had never been anything of it's
ilk before with such elaborate sets, FX etc etc...
Except, of course, Star Wars - that premiered a full two years
earlier. Alien in all its glory didn't hold a candle to the F/X of
Star Wars
Oh, absolutely.... But they are two entirely different types of cinema!
Post by Sandman
Post by Covenant
Given that and a stellar cast at the best any of them had been (except maybe
John Hurt and Ian Holm, who are just excellent in everyting they do)... (and
an over-acting and over ad-libbing Yaphet Kotto)... it cannot be held
against the rest in the same vein.
3 & 4, well, lets not speak ill of the dead....
And Jimmy's Ants.... well... anyone who has even casually dipped into ACMA
over the last few years will know my take on that. (Entertaining though it
ALIEN was a FILM - Aliens was a movie...
(Oh, and nice to see Sandman dropping in with his usual charismatic style!!
Been a while, Bud!)
I hate you too :-D
I know sweetie.. I know...

;' ))
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
2011-12-30 10:07:28 UTC
Post by Covenant
Post by Sandman
Post by Covenant
ALIEN had to be seen in a theatre to get the full impact of it.
Remember when it was first released there had never been anything of it's
ilk before with such elaborate sets, FX etc etc...
Except, of course, Star Wars - that premiered a full two years
earlier. Alien in all its glory didn't hold a candle to the F/X of
Star Wars
Oh, absolutely.... But they are two entirely different types of cinema!
I suppose your passage could be read as there not having been a
horror/thriller flick with suck elaborate special effects, which I
have to agree with.
2011-12-30 10:10:35 UTC
Post by Covenant
Post by Sandman
Post by Covenant
ALIEN had to be seen in a theatre to get the full impact of it.
Remember when it was first released there had never been anything of it's
ilk before with such elaborate sets, FX etc etc...
Except, of course, Star Wars - that premiered a full two years
earlier. Alien in all its glory didn't hold a candle to the F/X of
Star Wars
Oh, absolutely.... But they are two entirely different types of cinema!
I just came to think about Jaws (1975). It most certainly had an
elaborate set and some really impressive special effects. I'd still
say Alien trumps it, but not by as much as other candidates from the
same time period (Exorcist, Dawn of the Dead, Halloween etc).