"Adam Cameron" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:1ull27r9lhoh7$***@40tude.net...
Now I'm back in the UK again (but in W2, not SW2), and my life is hanging
Post by Adam Cameronon a thread whilst I wait to see if a work permit comes through so that I
can stay (should know in six weeks).
You mean, you *like* the UK enough to wanna stay?? Anyway, Adam, all the
best, sincerely, in getting your work permit sorted!
Post by Adam CameronI can see how my recent posts don't suggest all that, unless you had
remembered everything else I had posted on the subject over the last ten
Nah! I have only been coming here, what? 5 years now?!!
Mind you, google groups/archive does come in handy sometimes - if only to
remind myself of what a prat I have been ;-)
Post by Adam CameronAnd to stay on topic, I first saw Alien(*) and A:R in the cinema in London,
but (first) saw Aliens and A3 in NZ. I *have* seen Aliens at the cinema in
London, too, though.
(*) I didn't see it at the *cinema* until... ooh... 1997 it must have been.
Heh: just googled if I posted at the time it happened... found three
previous mentions of the experience, but all post factum. I'm nothing if
not repetitive.
Not at all repetitive - well, not to me, cos I aint been coming here as long
as you have!! LOL
But yeah, staying On Topic - I got to see Alien in London when it first came
out - I was at the tender age of 17!! I happened to be working in London as
a nanny in North Finchley and took myself up to the West End, on my own, cos
I hadnt made any friends at the time! I have never had an experience like
it since. Darkened auditorium, on my own, scared witless and that tense
ending! - I remember almost jumping out of my seat, thinking Ripley wasnt
going to make it into the Narcissus and egging her on, out loud!! Thank
goodness I was in London - they take the loonies with a pinch of salt!! ha