Post by Adam CameronTo reverse that... if you did see this thing that would hint at FTL, what
would it be?
LOL, nice trap. :) But, I never said that lack of a hint was _proof_ of
anything, it was just a point in my view. There's no real _need_ to
show anything because it's never used, so...we have to make of that
what we will. (How's that for dodging a petard? Hehehe.)
Also, as delightfully 'crunchy' (in the sense of 'hard' sf) as the sets
and such are, Alien at its heart isn't sf, it's horror, so trying to
shoe-horn too much 'real' science into it is probably a futile task.
What's the worst that can happen? Suppose we prove both that the ship
_had_ to be capable of FTL, and was also provably unable to do so.
Ooops. Doesn't really effect the story any, in my view.
But none of that makes any of this less interesting - do go on, ya'll.